The Future of Luxury Travel

With the travel industry halted by the pandemic, Global Rescue was looking for ways to connect with new prospective audiences who were able to navigate the complexities of traveling despite the challenges created by the pandemic.

two perfect bound copies of The Future of Luxury Travel sitting on a dark wooden surface


Make Contact

The sales team saw an opportunity to partner with luxury tour operators. To reach the target audience in a meaningful way, we developed a report to promote on LinkedIn which positioned Global Rescue as thought leaders and could be used for lead generation.

The theme of the piece is a balance of information and product detail, to serve an audience that is very aware of their challenges, but may or may not know exactly what possible solutions and services they need.

Eight ad variations promoting the future of luxury travel report

Testing & Learning

As one of the most robust lead gen campaigns we’d yet run, we took the opportunity to learn a bit about how this audience responded to different creatives.

We tested two variables, the headline and the image, with the same target audience receiving all eight variations. On one set of ads we posed a question, while one the other we had a statement. For the image, we compared a mock-up of the asset vs a travel photo.

As a whole this campaign was a success, with Global Rescue’s ad out performing 98% of ads on LinkedIn and creating a plethora of high scoring leads for our sales team. Additionally, this confirmed my hypothesis that a depicting the asset for download would out perform the rest.